Table of Contents
1. standstill
noun. ['ˈstændˌstɪl'] a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible.
Rhymes with Standstill
- rototill
- rototill
- stockstill
- studstill
Sentences with standstill
1. Adjective
This is a sample of chemical equilibrium when a visible standstill state is achieved by a chemical reaction.
2. Noun, singular or mass
This is because it takes that much more power to get the compressor moving from a standstill.
Quotes about standstill
1. Success cannot come from standstill men. Methods change and men must change with them.
- James Cash Penney
2. The fact that a cloud from a minor volcanic eruption in Iceland—a small disturbance in the complex mechanism of life on the Earth—can bring to a standstill the aerial traffic over an entire continent is a reminder of how, with all its power to transform nature, humankind remains just another species on the planet Earth.
- Slavoj Žižek