Table of Contents
1. risk
Rhymes with Risk
- whisk
- adisq
- zisk
- sisk
- risc
- miske
- liske
- lisk
- fiske
- fisk
- fisc
- disque
- disk
- disc
- bisque
How do you pronounce risk?
Pronounce risk as rɪsk.
US - How to pronounce risk in American English
UK - How to pronounce risk in British English
Sentences with risk
1. Noun, singular or mass
This way, you can lift challenging weights on barbells but with less risk.
2. Verb, base form
However, you might risk some of your principal instead.
3. Verb, non-3rd person singular present
If you’re receiving multiple calls at the same time, you risk losing them.
Quotes about risk
1. It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it.
- Maurice Switzer
2. Hope is a risk that must be run.
- Georges Bernanos
3. I'm not saying that love always takes you to heaven. Your life can become a nightmare. But that said, it is worth taking the risk.
- Paulo Coelho
4. risk
noun. ['ˈrɪsk'] a source of danger; a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune.