Rhymes with Military Junta

Sentences with military-junta

1. Noun Phrase
Due to the military junta currently in charge there, this is now a controversial source for rubies.

2. military

adjective. ['ˈmɪləˌtɛri, ˈmɪlɪˌtɛri'] characteristic of or associated with soldiers or the military.


  • militaire (French)
  • militarius (Latin)

3. military

adjective. ['ˈmɪləˌtɛri, ˈmɪlɪˌtɛri'] associated with or performed by members of the armed services as contrasted with civilians.


  • militaire (French)
  • militarius (Latin)

4. military

noun. ['ˈmɪləˌtɛri, ˈmɪlɪˌtɛri'] the military forces of a nation.


  • militaire (French)
  • militarius (Latin)