
1. indestructible

adjective. ['ˌɪndəˈstrʌktɪbəl'] not easily destroyed.


Rhymes with Indestructible

  • nondeductible

How do you pronounce indestructible?

Pronounce indestructible as ˌɪndəˈstrəktɪbəl.

US - How to pronounce indestructible in American English

UK - How to pronounce indestructible in British English

How do you spell indestructible? Is it undestructible ?

A common misspelling of indestructible is undestructible

Sentences with indestructible

1. Adjective
Use a soccer ball and thick rope for larger breeds, to insure that the toy in indestructible.

2. Noun, singular or mass
Fire bricks aren’t indestructible.

2. indestructible

adjective. ['ˌɪndəˈstrʌktɪbəl'] very long lasting.