Table of Contents
Rhymes with Ill Treat
- uncomplete
- noncompete
- indiscreet
- incomplete
- vanvliet
- vanfleet
- obsolete
- mistreat
- marquerite
- marguerite
- excrete
- discrete
- discreet
- concrete
- complete
- secrete
- retreat
- replete
- downbeat
- deplete
- conceit
- compete
- bufete
- bridgette
- backseat
- unseat
- streett
- street
- shumeet
- repeat
2. treat
verb. ['ˈtriːt'] interact in a certain way.
- cocker
- mistreat
- abuse
- mock
- skimp over
- indulge
- ignore
- interact
- gloss over
- step
- address
- slur over
- cover
- criminalize
- do by
- brutalise
- ill-use
- deal
- pamper
- handle
- wrong
- bemock
- ride roughshod
- skate over
- ill-treat
- brutalize
- nurse
- snub
- coddle
- spoil
- strong-arm
- run roughshod
- smooth over
- cut
- rough-house
- cosset
- handle with kid gloves
- maltreat
- upstage
- plow
- baby
- mollycoddle
- disregard
- featherbed
- treter (Anglo-Norman)
3. treat
verb. ['ˈtriːt'] subject to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or remedying a condition.
- impact
- touch on
- tank
- camphorate
- scald
- touch
- fluoridize
- nitrate
- dose
- reverberate
- digest
- nitrify
- malt
- ammoniate
- creosote
- bear on
- run
- fluoridate
- affect
- process
- bituminize
- carboxylate
- chlorinate
- curry
- nitrogenize
- propagate
- iodise
- beneficiate
- sulphur
- brominate
- fluoridise
- carbonate
- iodize
- oxygenate
- nitrogenise
- bear upon
- Agenize
- sulfur
- vulcanise
- bromate
- Agenise
- chrome
- mercerise
- seed
- vulcanize
- oxygenize
- air-condition
- irradiate
- oxygenise
- fumigate
- aerate
- refine
- bituminise
- ray
- fume
- treter (Anglo-Norman)
4. treat
verb. ['ˈtriːt'] provide treatment for.
- operate on
- remedy
- vet
- detox
- medicate
- cup
- dress
- insufflate
- leech
- shock
- doctor
- transfuse
- detoxify
- correct
- pack
- iodise
- burn
- dispense
- psychoanalyze
- phlebotomize
- manipulate
- administer
- purge
- phlebotomise
- nurse
- iodize
- operate
- bleed
- care for
- hyperventilate
- medicine
- relieve
- analyse
- splint
- cauterize
- cauterise
- massage
- irrigate
- psychoanalyse
- treter (Anglo-Norman)
5. treat
verb. ['ˈtriːt'] act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression.
- treter (Anglo-Norman)
7. ill
adjective. ['ˈɪl'] affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function.
- hallucinating
- sneezy
- unhealthy
- nauseated
- milk-sick
- vertiginous
- nauseous
- bronchitic
- ailing
- aguish
- swooning
- light-headed
- consumptive
- sickly
- under the weather
- lightheaded
- laid low
- tuberculous
- unwell
- queasy
- sick-abed
- livery
- paralytic
- sick
- unfit
- autistic
- rickety
- dizzy
- sickish
- airsick
- diabetic
- bedridden
- bedrid
- recovering
- dyspeptic
- light
- laid up
- liverish
- bedfast
- carsick
- feverish
- paralyzed
- rachitic
- bilious
- funny
- gouty
- seasick
- giddy
- indisposed
- convalescent
- tubercular
- woozy
- poorly
- feverous
- delirious
- palsied
- spastic
- green
- seedy
- unhealed
- afflicted
- scrofulous
- upset
- faint
- stricken
- peaked
- air sick