
1. handkerchief

noun. ['ˈhæŋkɝtʃɪf, ˈhæŋkɝtʃiːf'] a square piece of cloth used for wiping the eyes or nose or as a costume accessory.


  • hand (English)
  • kerchief (English)

Rhymes with Handkerchief

  • moncrief

How do you pronounce handkerchief?

Pronounce handkerchief as ˈhæŋkərʧɪf.

US - How to pronounce handkerchief in American English

UK - How to pronounce handkerchief in British English

How do you spell handkerchief? Is it hankerchief ?

A common misspelling of handkerchief is hankerchief

Sentences with handkerchief

1. Noun, singular or mass
Place a handkerchief on the ground or other flat surface and smooth it out.

2. pocket-handkerchief

noun. a handkerchief that is carried in a pocket.