Table of Contents
1. family
noun. ['ˈfæməli, ˈfæmli'] a social unit living together.
- familia (Latin)
- famula (Latin)
Rhymes with Grass Family
- multifamily
- gramley
- bramley
- lamle
- hamley
- chamlee
2. family
noun. ['ˈfæməli, ˈfæmli'] primary social group; parents and children.
- familia (Latin)
- famula (Latin)
3. family
noun. ['ˈfæməli, ˈfæmli'] a collection of things sharing a common attribute.
- familia (Latin)
- famula (Latin)
4. family
noun. ['ˈfæməli, ˈfæmli'] people descended from a common ancestor.
- familia (Latin)
- famula (Latin)
5. family
noun. ['ˈfæməli, ˈfæmli'] a person having kinship with another or others.
- familia (Latin)
- famula (Latin)
6. family
noun. ['ˈfæməli, ˈfæmli'] (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera.
- bacteria family
- bird family
- dicot family
- amphibian family
- echinoderm family
- fungus family
- monocot family
- fish family
- taxon
- family Panorpidae
- fern family
- family Bittacidae
- Rhabdoviridae
- Flaviviridae
- Bunyaviridae
- subfamily
- genus
- magnoliopsid family
- protoctist family
- liliopsid family
- arthropod family
- ctenophore family
- moss family
- Bittacidae
- tribe
- chordate family
- Togaviridae
- Endamoebidae
- coelenterate family
- worm family
- Reoviridae
- order
- mollusk family
- plant family
- taxonomic category
- taxonomic group
- mammal family
- Panorpidae
- Filoviridae
- family Endamoebidae
- reptile family
- form family
- familia (Latin)
- famula (Latin)
7. family
noun. ['ˈfæməli, ˈfæmli'] an association of people who share common beliefs or activities.
- familia (Latin)
- famula (Latin)
8. grass
noun. ['ˈgræs'] narrow-leaved green herbage: grown as lawns; used as pasture for grazing animals; cut and dried as hay.
- wheat-grass
- scutch grass
- dallisgrass
- Festuca elatior
- sandspur
- goat grass
- Muhlenbergia schreberi
- cocksfoot
- beach grass
- Cynodon plectostachyum
- French rye
- hardinggrass
- velvet grass
- cord grass
- paspalum
- sword grass
- gardener's garters
- burgrass
- buffalo grass
- munj
- gramineous plant
- lemongrass
- giant star grass
- nimblewill
- wheatgrass
- Stenotaphrum secundatum
- doob
- crabgrass
- Arrhenatherum elatius
- meadow grass
- Phleum pratense
- sheep fescue
- gramma grass
- evergreen grass
- meadow fescue
- broom grass
- Saccharum bengalense
- birdseed grass
- ryegrass
- brome
- tall-grass
- Bahama grass
- Cortaderia richardii
- Aegilops triuncalis
- Pennistum villosum
- Phalaris aquatica
- toetoe
- bromegrass
- Saccharum munja
- Cynodon dactylon
- Bahia grass
- tall oat grass
- gramma
- graminaceous plant
- wild rye
- Cenchrus tribuloides
- cordgrass
- lady's laces
- nimble Will
- rush grass
- sheep's fescue
- cereal grass
- Holcus lanatus
- tall meadow grass
- cereal
- meadowgrass
- Bermuda grass
- knotgrass
- lemon grass
- bent grass
- Andropogon furcatus
- Pennisetum ruppelii
- bent-grass
- rush-grass
- blue grass
- lyme grass
- tallgrass
- Yorkshire fog
- fountain grass
- Cortaderia selloana
- bluegrass
- reed grass
- Paspalum notatum
- silver grass
- Phalaris arundinacea
- St. Augustine grass
- ribbon grass
- Andropogon gerardii
- cockspur
- shortgrass
- plume grass
- Buchloe dactyloides
- canary grass
- Phalaris tuberosa
- bunchgrass
- Paspalum distichum
- fescue grass
- love grass
- midgrass
- zoysia
- Phalaris canariensis
- false oat
- devil grass
- toe toe
- feathertop
- fescue
- Pennisetum setaceum
- bay grass
- bur grass
- dropseed
- drop-seed
- dallis grass
- reed canary grass
- sandbur
- star grass
- Paspalum dilatatum
- timothy
- Holcus mollis
- field sandbur
- pampas grass
- crab grass
- Harding grass
- toowomba canary grass
- finger grass
- grama
- Dactylis glomerata
- bluestem
- herd's grass
- short-grass
- Arundo richardii
- blue stem
- grama grass
- orchard grass
- bent
- bunch grass
- plumed tussock
- rye grass
- Festuca ovina
- feathertop grass
- munja
- creeping soft grass
- gras (Middle English (1100-1500))
10. grass
noun. ['ˈgræs'] a police informer who implicates many people.
- gras (Middle English (1100-1500))
Sentences with grass-family
1. Noun Phrase
Of the Poaceae or grass family, this perennial graminoid grows throughout most of the southern two-thirds of North America.
2. Noun Phrase
A perennial graminoid member of the Poaceae or grass family, American beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata) is native to the country’s coastal areas, thriving in the full sun and their well-drained sandy-soil conditions.