
Rhymes with Discovery

  • recovery

How do you pronounce discovery?

Pronounce discovery as ˌdɪˈskəvri.

US - How to pronounce discovery in American English

UK - How to pronounce discovery in British English

How do you spell discovery? Is it discoverey ?

A common misspelling of discovery is discoverey

Sentences with discovery

1. Noun, singular or mass
Also, will be part of the discovery that they will have to provide to sue you.

2. self-discovery

noun. discovering your own individuality.



3. discovery

noun. ['dɪˈskʌvɝi, dɪˈskʌvri, ˌdɪˈskʌvri'] something that is discovered.

4. discovery

noun. ['dɪˈskʌvɝi, dɪˈskʌvri, ˌdɪˈskʌvri'] a productive insight.