
1. brand

noun. ['ˈbrænd'] a name given to a product or service.


  • brand (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

Rhymes with Brand New

  • n92762
  • yabbadabbadoo
  • misconstrue
  • dfw
  • timbuktu
  • long-overdue
  • katmandu
  • kalamazoo
  • hullabaloo
  • lhommedieu
  • komatsu
  • fitzhugh
  • drive-thru
  • depardieu
  • construe
  • benhamou
  • aeroperu
  • withdrew
  • true-view
  • tien-fu
  • thankyou
  • pas-de-deux
  • overthrew
  • kwangju
  • karatsu
  • kangaroo
  • hitherto
  • fondue
  • cmu
  • carilou

Sentences with brand-new

1. Noun Phrase
If a brand new cell phone is released, make an offer on the previous model.

Quotes about brand-new

1. Starting a band is the easy part. Once you've formed the band, you have to tell a story, and that story requires songs. And not just good songs, but great songs. After a while, great songs won't do - they have to be the best. Success doesn't make it any easier. Each time I start a new record, it's a brand-new search* a band is the easy part. Once you've formed the band, you have to tell a story, and that story requires songs. And not just good songs, but great songs. After a while, great songs won't do - they have to be the best. Success doesn't make it any easier. Each time I start a new record, it's a brand-new search.
*- The Edge

2. Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman* onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.
*- Maya Angelou

3. When you've been around as long as me, Lucy, you'll know that there are three types of sex... One - brand-new, kitchen-table sex. Two - bedroom sex. Then number three - hallway sex, when you pass each other in the hallway and say 'Fuck you.'"- Locki*'ve been around as long as me, Lucy, you'll know that there are three types of sex... One - brand-new, kitchen-table sex. Two - bedroom sex. Then number three - hallway sex, when you pass each other in the hallway and say 'Fuck you.'"- Lockie
*- Kathy Lette, To Love, Honour And Betray

2. brand

noun. ['ˈbrænd'] a recognizable kind.



  • brand (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

3. brand

noun. ['ˈbrænd'] identification mark on skin, made by burning.




  • brand (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

4. brand

verb. ['ˈbrænd'] burn with a branding iron to indicate ownership; of animals.



  • brand (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

6. new

adjective. ['ˈnuː, nˈjuː'] original and of a kind not seen before.




  • newe (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • niwe (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

7. new

adjective. ['ˈnuː, nˈjuː'] lacking training or experience.


  • newe (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • niwe (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

8. new

adjective. ['ˈnuː, nˈjuː'] having no previous example or precedent or parallel.




  • newe (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • niwe (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

9. new

adjective. ['ˈnuː, nˈjuː'] other than the former one(s); different.



  • newe (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • niwe (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

10. new

adverb. ['ˈnuː, nˈjuː'] very recently.



  • newe (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • niwe (Old English (ca. 450-1100))