Barricade Past Tense

The past tense of Barricade is barricaded.

1. barricade

noun. ['ˈbærəˌkeɪd, ˈbɛrəˌkeɪd'] a barrier set up by police to stop traffic on a street or road in order to catch a fugitive or inspect traffic etc..


Rhymes with Barricade

  • barricade
  • cavalcade
  • medicaid
  • motorcade

How do you pronounce barricade?

Pronounce barricade as ˈbɛrəˌkeɪd.

US - How to pronounce barricade in American English

UK - How to pronounce barricade in British English

2. barricade

noun. ['ˈbærəˌkeɪd, ˈbɛrəˌkeɪd'] a barrier (usually thrown up hastily) to impede the advance of an enemy.


4. barricade

verb. ['ˈbærəˌkeɪd, ˈbɛrəˌkeɪd'] block off with barricades.

5. barricade

verb. ['ˈbærəˌkeɪd, ˈbɛrəˌkeɪd'] prevent access to by barricading.