Table of Contents
1. barley
noun. ['ˈbɑːrli'] a grain of barley.
- barli (Middle English (1100-1500))
Rhymes with Barley Grass
- middle-class
- smartass
- contrasts
- lambastes
- forecasts
- vanasse
- umass
- surpass
- repass
- outlasts
- impasse
- depass
- alsace
- plasse
- plass
- plas
- morass
- krass
- kras
- klass
- klas
- harass
- grasse
- glass
- glas
- crass
- class
- brass
- bras
- blass
Sentences with barley-grass
1. Noun Phrase
The best way to consume barley grass is to drink it freshly pressed 1.
2. Noun Phrase
However, barley grass pills or tablets are void of healthy enzymes 1.
3. Noun Phrase
It is abundant in leafy green vegetables, wheatgrass, barley grass** and alfalfa grass.
2. barley
noun. ['ˈbɑːrli'] cultivated since prehistoric times; grown for forage and grain.
- barli (Middle English (1100-1500))
3. grass
noun. ['ˈgræs'] narrow-leaved green herbage: grown as lawns; used as pasture for grazing animals; cut and dried as hay.
- wheat-grass
- scutch grass
- dallisgrass
- Festuca elatior
- sandspur
- goat grass
- Muhlenbergia schreberi
- cocksfoot
- beach grass
- Cynodon plectostachyum
- French rye
- hardinggrass
- velvet grass
- cord grass
- paspalum
- sword grass
- gardener's garters
- burgrass
- buffalo grass
- munj
- gramineous plant
- lemongrass
- giant star grass
- nimblewill
- wheatgrass
- Stenotaphrum secundatum
- doob
- crabgrass
- Arrhenatherum elatius
- meadow grass
- Phleum pratense
- sheep fescue
- gramma grass
- evergreen grass
- meadow fescue
- broom grass
- Saccharum bengalense
- birdseed grass
- ryegrass
- brome
- tall-grass
- Bahama grass
- Cortaderia richardii
- Aegilops triuncalis
- Pennistum villosum
- Phalaris aquatica
- toetoe
- bromegrass
- Saccharum munja
- Cynodon dactylon
- Bahia grass
- tall oat grass
- gramma
- graminaceous plant
- wild rye
- Cenchrus tribuloides
- cordgrass
- lady's laces
- nimble Will
- rush grass
- sheep's fescue
- cereal grass
- Holcus lanatus
- tall meadow grass
- cereal
- meadowgrass
- Bermuda grass
- knotgrass
- lemon grass
- bent grass
- Andropogon furcatus
- Pennisetum ruppelii
- bent-grass
- rush-grass
- blue grass
- lyme grass
- tallgrass
- Yorkshire fog
- fountain grass
- Cortaderia selloana
- bluegrass
- reed grass
- Paspalum notatum
- silver grass
- Phalaris arundinacea
- St. Augustine grass
- ribbon grass
- Andropogon gerardii
- cockspur
- shortgrass
- plume grass
- Buchloe dactyloides
- canary grass
- Phalaris tuberosa
- bunchgrass
- Paspalum distichum
- fescue grass
- love grass
- midgrass
- zoysia
- Phalaris canariensis
- false oat
- devil grass
- toe toe
- feathertop
- fescue
- Pennisetum setaceum
- bay grass
- bur grass
- dropseed
- drop-seed
- dallis grass
- reed canary grass
- sandbur
- star grass
- Paspalum dilatatum
- timothy
- Holcus mollis
- field sandbur
- pampas grass
- crab grass
- Harding grass
- toowomba canary grass
- finger grass
- grama
- Dactylis glomerata
- bluestem
- herd's grass
- short-grass
- Arundo richardii
- blue stem
- grama grass
- orchard grass
- bent
- bunch grass
- plumed tussock
- rye grass
- Festuca ovina
- feathertop grass
- munja
- creeping soft grass
- gras (Middle English (1100-1500))
5. grass
noun. ['ˈgræs'] a police informer who implicates many people.
- gras (Middle English (1100-1500))